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My journey to living a “Healthy Lifestyle” started about 3 years ago when I gained about 50lbs.  Not only my doctors were advising me to change but, my body was crying out for a change.  My dress size went from a size 12 to an 18.  This is when I had to put the brakes on.

I belonged to a gym for over 20 years and still could not stop the progression of my weight gain.  Diets and Weight Management programs I have tried them all.  I believe I have found the secret to my “Healthy Lifestyle” and would like to share it with you.  This is a result of my many trials and tribulations.   I believe everyone has different levels and needs to find their own personal “Healthy Lifestyle”. 

eFAWN, Mind, Body, and Soul Wellness, is an organization where people are making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle change by sharing ideas. 

Some areas of focus:

  • Emotional
  • Environmental
  • Intellectual
  • Nutritional
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual

Changing attitudes and lifestyles don't happen overnight. If you try and change too many things at once, this sets the stage for failure, so that’s why the eFAWN is built on a gradual, ground-up approach.

By providing practical and consistent health advice and support, we have proven time and time again that we can engage not only athletics and active individual, but also those Individuals who tend to feel confused and overwhelmed by the mass of conflicting health and exercise advice.

We start by getting people moving. When confidence and habits have begun to improve and individual discover how enjoyable and easy change can be, we get them eating more healthily and finally sleeping better, ensuring they can become both physically and mentally ready to take on the world.  This is me now.

"Your Next Step to a Healthier Lifestyle of Living: 

         Follow me at http://www.ideafit.com/profile/gloria-lamar

         Member of Idea Fitness since 12/2014

         World Largest Association for Fitness and Wellness Professionals